Machu Picchu trip

7 Amazing Things to do in Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu is undeniably Peru’s leading tourist attraction and very few visitors to the country fail to make their way to the Andean hills, to see the ruins of the ‘lost city of the Incas’. Its iconic status as one of the wonders of the world means that millions of tourists flock to see the ancient citadel every year.

The large ruins, perfect masonry, and strange architecture have bemused the researchers for several years and continue to attract visitors on mass. Stretched over 13 square km, Machu Picchu is a wealth of interesting sights. You can spend hours wandering and getting lost in a city of wonders.

To assist you to get the most out of your Machu Picchu Trip, here are some amazing things you can do.

Climb up to the Sun Gate

Sun Gate is considered one of the most important features of Machu Picchu. Your first view of Machu Picchu after tough trekking will be through Intipunku, the Sun Gate. However, if you are visiting Machu Picchu from Aguas Calientes, you can climb up to the Sun Gate to look down on the ruins from above. Though it takes around an hour to reach Intipunku, the view from up there will be worth seeing.

Climb Huayna Picchu

If you want to see the bird-eye view of Machu Picchu, then you need to climb the Huayna Picchu. The towering mountain is a fairly straightforward climb and requires no technical ability. The top of Huayna Picchu will offer you the best view of the site and the surrounding mountains.

However, only 400 people are permitted to scale it per day, so better to book your tickets in advance.

Don’t miss the Temple of the Sun

Located next to the main fountain, the Torreon is one of the most important buildings in Machu Picchu. It is also one of the finest examples of Inca masonry. The Temple of the Sun is believed to be used for astronomical observations in the past.

Click photos from the Watchman’s Hut

After entering the city you will see the Watchman’s Hut. This is the perfect place to get a breathtaking view of the whole city, so don’t miss the opportunity to capture the beautiful view.

Find the Inca Bridge

Built as a secret entrance for the Incan army, the bridge is carved into a cliff face on the west route of Machu Picchu. From the Watchman’s Hut, the path will lead down to the Inca Bridge.

Search the Intihuatana

One of the most recognizable sights in Machu Picchu, Intihuatana was used by the Inca people as a sundial to predict solstices. The shape of the pillar rock itself mimics that of Huayna Picchu that sits directly behind the stone.

Visit the agricultural terraces

One of the greatest achievements of the Incas was their ability to adapt the mountainous terrain of the Andes for agriculture. You can walk along the terrace and appreciate the techniques they employed to make the land suitable for cultivation.

Whether you arrive at Machu Picchu on a bus or foot, the first impression of the site will never disappoint. With so many things to do and see, your Machu Picchu Trip will be worth remembering. Facebook.